I have added hangers using the same yarn but you could use a pretty ribbon or string to hang them around my home or use them to decorate gifts, or even totally super size them and use them as Christmas place mats!
You will need :
10mm crochet hook
T-shirt yarn (I used Tek-Tek in Cream)
Smaller hook for weaving in ends.
Puff Stitch - Yarn over, insert hook into ring, pull through, yarn over and pull through one loop on hook. Repeat twice, you should have 7 loops on your hook. Yarn over pull through all 7 loops.
Pattern :
Start with a magic ring
Round 1 : Work 1 puff stitch, ch 2 - repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 puff stitches. Slst into top of first puff.
Round 2 : Ch 3, in the same stitch work (1 tr, ch 1, 2 tr) in the top of the next 4 puffs (2tr, ch1, 2tr), slst into first tr to join.
Round 3: Ch1, in the ch1 space from previous round work (1htr, 2tr, ch2, 2tr, 1htr), ch1, slst to 3rd tr from hook, Repeat 4 more times to create the points of your star. The last slst will end your round.
Fasten off and use a smaller hook to weave in ends.
If you have any questions email me - threadthelove.amber@gmail.com
Have fun making!
-A x
Wonderful - if i only I could crochet!